Om mig
Entuatistisk ung smed, som lære af de bedste. Bosat i Brørup, og studere Teknologiledelse og maritimeteknik.

Jeg hedder Robert Jensen. Jeg bor i Brøup, Danmark og har afsluttet min HTX-uddannelse på Rybners Tekniske Gymnasium. Jeg arbejder nu som ufaglært smed på KVK Hydraklov, og i 2023 har jeg planer om at læse på Maskinmesterskolen og tage en bachelor i teknologistyring og søfartsteknik.
Rybners Tekniske Gymnasium
HTX Student
I have responsibly led a team of 12 designers to help, supervise and approve their designs to make sure it matches client expectations and latest design standards.
Brørup Pizza & Grill Restaurant
I was a part of an amazing design team and worked together with them to help design and develop apps and websites for different clients of the company.
KVK Hydraklov
Ufaglært Smed
I was responsible for all the in-house and client-based web development assignments. I take pride in having helped the best of clients and getting maximum ratings for the company.